Sunday, November 23, 2008

Although we know the will not satisfy,
But still attempt to do that,
At last,
Disappointment and desperate just reveal on your face,
Maybe in the other way,
It is a good spirit,
And your endeavor will be paid off,
Besides that luck is also a factor to reach the peak,
Maybe it is also a fade,
No one has a great power to alter it,
The only one is you.

Everyone has to face life with a practical attitude,
Written by a friend of mine,
Ya, I think it is right.

Reality is cruel,
When we wake up from the dream,
Anything just seem normal,
And only had a horrible dream,
But everyone has a choice to opt to stay in the dream and never stand up again or go through it with courageous and grow mature ever than before,
You, the only one can change it,
Brightness and happiness will always be there for you.

these are just my feelings from a story. hehe.......

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